Intern Blog Postings

Connor Day

Friday, August 14, 2015

Connor Day

It's all over! I have returned home to North Carolina with my family after such a fun and enriching summer in the nation's capitol with SPS. My final week of work began with three days at the AAPT summer meeting at the University of Maryland. The AIP History Center had a morning session on the second to last day of the conference at which the intern team presented. We gave an overview of the motivation and goals of our project, discussed some of the specific content, and explained our goals for the future of the teaching guides.

Drew Roberts

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Drew Roberts

This summer, I was able to meet both Ben and Ashley, the Mather Interns from last summer. They both expressed the thought that the Mather Policy Internship is the best intern program in DC. When I look back on my experience, this seems completely accurate. This internship allowed me to connect with so many people working in science policy and really get to see how this world works.

Rachel Odessey

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Rachel Odessey

As I sit in a cabin in the Catskills, on a family trip far from any sign of cell phone service, my last few days at Goddard and at SPS seem very far away, almost like a dream, but as soon as I look back at the pictures the whole experience rushes back to me. 

Rachel Odessey

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Rachel Odessey

It’s hard for me to believe as I start to put together a presentation of my work that the summer will soon draw to a close and with it my treasured days with IDL. I’m looking forward to sharing my work with Eta Carinae next week as well as hearing what everyone else has been doing.

Elias Kim

Monday, August 10, 2015

Elias Kim

Since returning to New Hampshire, I’ve had time to reflect on my experience this summer and have formed some final thoughts. First and foremost, D.C. is very hot and very humid. I had forgotten what it is like to go for a run and not feel like I am swimming!

Shauna LeFebvre

Friday, August 7, 2015

Shauna LeFebvre

It's been a crazy two weeks! I mean crazy in the best possible way. All of last week Hannah and I were preparing for our presentation. We practiced our presentation so much that it was second nature by the time the Symposium started on Friday. Everyone's presentations were wonderful! It was also a nice way for the other interns to end their summer in DC.

Hannah Pell

Friday, August 7, 2015

Hannah Pell

The last week came and went as quickly as the summer passed – we spent the majority of it preparing our final presentation and unfortunately, our goodbyes. I’m currently back at home in good old Hershey with a few weeks to relax and get ready for my last year of undergrad. As I look back through all the pictures, I keep thinking “Did this really happen?!” The past ten weeks feel like an awesome dream, and now it’s time to wake up and reflect on it.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Brean Prefontaine

This weekend included another trip up to Philadelphia to see some friends. On Saturday I was able to the Trainwreck movie. It was great and really funny! I highly recommend going to see it! Then on Sunday I was able to relax and go out for a great breakfast with Hendrik.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Amandeep Gill

This is the last full week of our internships, excluding Brean and Shauna who have two weeks after the rest of us leave. It is bittersweet to be this close to the end of the program.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Teresa Turmanian

I can’t believe it’s the last week!
