Janet Peifer

Janet Peifer
Postgraduate Researcher
I joined SPS as an undergraduate at Juniata College where I earned a B.S. in Engineering Physics. I also served as the Treasurer of Juniata's SPS chapter and was inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma after the end of my sophomore year. Since graduating from Juniata, I have also been involved in the Adopt-A-Physicist program through SPS. I am currently a PhD Candidate at the University of Leeds (Leeds, UK) studying atmospheric fluid dynamics.
I am interesting in joining the Alumni Engagement Program so that I can help current physics students by sharing my experiences. It took me ages to find a niche in physics which accommodated my passion for environmental issues and my interest in physics. As well, I want to help people see how many opportunities physics can have for them. Through studying physics I've explored astronomy, mechanical engineering, and now fluid dynamics and have been able to travel to Corsica, the UK, the Green Bank Telescope and the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab! Hopefully I will be able to help students find and take advantage of all the benefits of studying physics.