Society of Physics Students

Monday, June 10, 2013

Caleb Heath

When last I left you hanging in suspense, we were set to venture forth and bring science to masses of children at the HoCo STEM Festival. Demos would be set up, experiments would be performed, diffraction glasses would be worn! A new day! A red day!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Caleb Heath

What a week of firsts: my first breath of DC air, my first day of interning, my first taste of goat. I’m tired but happy. I expect to continue enjoying myself, but I don’t expect the exhaustion to subside. There’s much work left to do. And if there were no work . . . the city calls out for exploration.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Caleb Heath

I didn't expect to go to Washington DC this summer.

SPS SOCK (Science Outreach Catalyst Kit) Intern

SPS SOCK (Science Outreach Catalyst Kit) Intern

SPS SOCK (Science Outreach Catalyst Kit) Intern

Friday, August 1, 2014

Mark Sellers

It blows my mind that I'm writing this reflection just two weeks after this internship. When I first started, it felt like this experience would go on for forever. Now it seems like forever ago that I was back in DC with the rest of the interns and staff at SPS.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mark Sellers

So, it's been a full week at SPS and things are going very well. I think I've made a good transition back into the working environment. Friday was spent on brainstorming more demonstration ideas, as well as meeting Dr. Kraig Wheeler of the American Crystallographic Association at a meeting.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mark Sellers

Before I explain what I have been up to for the past week, allow me to introduce myself! I'm Mark Sellers and I'm the 2014 SOCK intern. I am originally from Kansas City, Missouri and am a rising senior at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee.

SPS SOCK (Science Outreach Catalyst Kit) Intern
