Week 2: A Long Way To Go

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Sunday, June 14, 2020


Abdul Qadeer Rehan

Having gained familiarity with this internship I started week two with an excitement to get hands-on with my summer project. With all the information export hurdles completed, I was granted access to the algorithms and code developed by researchers on the project at NIST. Having touched the surface of this research I am excited to dive into the depths this project will take me. This week I got the opportunity to attend the Nanoscale Device Characterization Division's meeting at NIST hosted virtually. It was a pleasure getting to know people working at the lab and getting to know their research.

In light of the most recent murders of Black people in the US, the American Institute of Physics observed #ShutDownSTEM. It was disheartening to read and watch the different instances of systematic racism and oppression present in our society today. It seems that as humans we have a duty to continually educate and improve ourselves in order to better our society.

With the tornados and power outages in the mid-west, the intern group stood fast and had our social event in action on Sunday. It was nice to get an update on how everyone is doing at their respective intern positions.

Abdul Qadeer Rehan