Rockin' the SOCK - Week #5

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Sunday, July 5, 2020


Holly Fortener

I cannot believe how fast this summer is going... July 4th is already past and we are halfway through our summer internships! I'm trying hard to enjoy everything while it lasts.

This week, I spent a majority of my time working on a presentation for the AAPT Summer meeting. Brad helped me put together a presentation on SPS outreach resources and the 2020 SOCK in more detail. The difference between the 2020 SOCK and previous SOCKs is the sponsorship: not only is the 2020 SOCK supported by AIP this year, but also the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). Due to this extra support, SOCK production is increasing from 100 to 200 kits, which will be available to both SPS and ASA chapters! It was very exciting to share the hard work Brad and I have put into demos and the SOCK so far, and I hope my presentation wasn't too horrible....recording on a computer is so hard and I may have redone my recording like 100 times. ToT

Outreach at home with Holly was a bit slow this week, but I did have a successful trial run on the kinetic sand demo that I hope to post next week. I also plan to start the 2020 SOCK writeup and finish up on a few SOCK components for the acoustic demonstrations! The interns also met this week to plan a virtual picnic event on July 9th. I really enjoy spending time with my fellow interns regardless of whether we are event planning or hanging out and playing games. Our intern group is really supportive of each other, and at the end of a long day a supportive and fun environment is exactly what I need.

Until next week,

Holly Fortener