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Friday, June 15, 2018


Michael Welter

"This is my absolute dream job. I seriously love what I do." -Brad Conrad at the conclusion of a staff meeting that he attended despite officially being on vacation.

Life in Washington DC is peculiar---in one part of town you'll find massive monuments dedicated to those who spent their lives (and often times lost their lives) fighting for the American Dream; next door to that you'll find the buildings in which our elected leaders discuss and vote on our future; down the street you'll find the most diverse collection of restaurants imaginable-but the pecularity isn't found in the scenary---it's found in the passion of the people.

Poster of Marie Curie by Michael Welter. Quote "I was taught that the way of progress is neither swift nor easy."

I've stayed at the office for about 45 hours this week designing posters, t-shirts and business cards, writing and organizing content for journals, and preparing content for social media posts and websites. Outside of the office, I saw the Capitols win the Stanley Cup, attended a beautiful Pride Parade, listened to live reggae music in the sculpture garden, wrote a chapter report, got a night viewing of the tidal basin and got to eat and live with some of the most driven young people I've ever met. There's nothing more refreshing than being surrounded by people who are vigorously pursuing their passions--and then finding yourself keeping pace with them.

Looking forward to another week. Here's the shirt I've been working on.

 A mock up of the 2018 SPS shirt designed by Michael Welter.

Michael Welter